Now the pause for New Years, celebrated here quietly, with a lucky meal New Year's Day of collards and hoppin' John with red-eye gravy, the delectable secret of which is a splash of coffee. Then it's the Pageant: will the twins dress as sheep or just watch? Then Epiphany, with King Cake (a momentary reprieve of the sweets ban), and then with a sigh the Christmas tree is admired a last time and comes down, to go to rest as garden mulch.
Photo: the tree in the evening.
Then I will begin to sew once again, and unless costuming ADD strikes, I'll be working on a single project, to which our period sewing society is devoting itself...we're making full ensembles for the Jane Austen Festival in Louisville in July! A peek into the concept for mine: the year is 1797 and my lady loves white-on-white stripes embroidered with green, and a matching green robe with ruching, wee flat green silk shoes, green-on-white reticule, and a flat cap of net lace!
Photo: Noah drives his fire truck -- their new easel -- and Christopher rides, making motor noises. This was their main gift and I think they like it very much. Only sometimes is it a board for drawing.
You have such a beautiful way with words. I agree on the banning of sweets after Christmas. Far too much sugary snacking has gone on here, when my eyes have been turned. Candy wrappings here, a dug-out piece of brownie cake there, tell tale cookie crumbs leaving a suspicious trail. . .sigh.
Your regency ensemble sounds absolutely beautiful! How fun to plan such an outfit and have such an event to wear it to! Green and white are the most elegant of colours, I think. I can't wait to see your pieces as you finish them one by one!
Dear Sarah,
I laughed about the cookie crumbs. Around here, the trails were mostly mine. As you wrote, sigh...
Happy New Year,
Natalie in Kentucky
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