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Detachable sleeve. Indian painted chintz. Textiles collection, University for the Creative Arts at Farnham. VADS |
Primary resources, such as full-text magazines, sewing manuals, photographs, paintings, and diaries. Secondary resources, such as costume histories or articles. Some websites have a habit of moving, so not every link will be current.
Updated March 15, 2025
Ackermann's (Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce...): From Bunka Gakuen University Library Digital Archive of Rare Materials, in Japan.: Entire run. To access, enter journal title in search box.
Der Bazar: From Germany. Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Full run, 1855-1937. Some supplements and splendid, incredible quality scans. Much of the same content as found in Harper's Bazar, which licensed content from this magazine. Read online or download entire issues as PDF files.
Le Cabinet des Modes (late 18th century). 25 issues. From Gallica: Bibliotheque Numerique, part of Bibliotheque nationale de France. Full text, and plates in black and white.
Full-text Magazines
Fashion History Research, Arts University Bournemouth. Single page portal with easy access to digital archives internationally. Magazine examples: xamples: American Tailor and Cutter, Le Costume Moderne, The Designer. Film examples: British Pathe. Links to major museum collections.
Ackermann's (Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce...): From Bunka Gakuen University Library Digital Archive of Rare Materials, in Japan.: Entire run. To access, enter journal title in search box.
Der Bazar: From Germany. Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Full run, 1855-1937. Some supplements and splendid, incredible quality scans. Much of the same content as found in Harper's Bazar, which licensed content from this magazine. Read online or download entire issues as PDF files.
Le Cabinet des Modes (late 18th century). 25 issues. From Gallica: Bibliotheque Numerique, part of Bibliotheque nationale de France. Full text, and plates in black and white.
The Delineator. Many issues from vol 11 (1878) through volume 107 (1925). High-quality scans. From Cornell University HEARTH collection.
The Delineator. Another source for this magazine, and contains 1896 issues lacking in the Cornell University collection, for example.
Demorest's Family Magazine and Mirror of Fashion.
Demorest's Family Magazine and Mirror of Fashion.
Good quality scans. Interesting fashion articles with garment construction notes. Valdosta State University collection.
The Fashions of London and Paris during the Years 1798-1801. Journal, collected numbers in volume format. From Bunka Gakuen University Library Digital Archive of Rare Materials, in Japan. Like Gallery of Fashion, this journal attempts to record actual dress, but less precisely. The fashions included are much simpler, the drawings less fine, but there are group scenes of great interest, and the text contains not only descriptions of individual plates, but general "observations" about details of current fashions, many of which offer fascinating tidbits. Entire run. To access, enter journal title in search box.
The Gallery of Fashion. British, 1794-1803. From Bunka Gakuen University Library Digital Archive of Rare Materials, in Japan. Entire run. To access, enter journal title in search box.
De Gracieuse: From The Netherlands. Much content comes from Die Modenwelt of Berlin, which was also used in Harper's Bazar. Includes pattern sheets, although they are very difficult to read. 1862-1936
Harper's Bazar
Illustrierte Frauenzeitung : Ausgabe der Modenwelt mit Unterhaltungsblatt, 1885-1899. From Germany. Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Delightful magazine with wonderful illustrations, color plates, and small-scale cutting diagrams for some garments. Lots of accessories shown.
La Mode Illustree, complete run, with color plates. Supplements present but folded up so you cannot use them, usually. From Bunka Gakuen University Library Digital Archive of Rare Materials, in Japan. To access, enter journal title in search box. Also see the Europeana Collections (https://classic.europeana.eu/portal/en), and search for the title and the year.
- Harper's Bazar: From Cornell H.E.A.R.T.H. Images, PDFs, and searchable text. No supplements, and scan quality is not always that good
- Harper's Bazar: 1900-1925. Links from University of Pennsylvania Online Books page into Internet Archive.
Illustrierte Frauenzeitung : Ausgabe der Modenwelt mit Unterhaltungsblatt, 1885-1899. From Germany. Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Delightful magazine with wonderful illustrations, color plates, and small-scale cutting diagrams for some garments. Lots of accessories shown.
La Mode Illustree, complete run, with color plates. Supplements present but folded up so you cannot use them, usually. From Bunka Gakuen University Library Digital Archive of Rare Materials, in Japan. To access, enter journal title in search box. Also see the Europeana Collections (https://classic.europeana.eu/portal/en), and search for the title and the year.
The Ladies Home Journal
Journal des Luxus und der Moden (German). From the Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena. Issues from 1786-1815
Peterson's Magazine Courtesy Google and Festive Attyre
Revue de la Mode, 1872-75, 1877. From Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Every so often there are "cutting lessons" in which one learns to draft pattern pieces. For example, in the 1873 issue, p. 155, you learn to cut a polonaise. Measurements are provided. However, you must draft your own sleeves and skirt. Splendid quality scans. Color plates. Read online or download entire issues as PDF files. For some 1880s issues, see Europeana Collections.
The Lady's Magazine (British). Courtesy Google.
Victoria Magazine (German), 1863-1871. From Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. No supplements, but splendid quality scans. Color plates. Read online or download entire issues as PDF files.
- Ladies Home Journal, 1885-1948. From Wikimedia Commons. Full issues, and PDF download option. Wonderful columns about fashion, and stories and serialized novels from the era's famous writers.
- Ladies Home Journal, most years. Internet Archive.
Journal des Luxus und der Moden (German). From the Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena. Issues from 1786-1815
Peterson's Magazine Courtesy Google and Festive Attyre
Revue de la Mode, 1872-75, 1877. From Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Every so often there are "cutting lessons" in which one learns to draft pattern pieces. For example, in the 1873 issue, p. 155, you learn to cut a polonaise. Measurements are provided. However, you must draft your own sleeves and skirt. Splendid quality scans. Color plates. Read online or download entire issues as PDF files. For some 1880s issues, see Europeana Collections.
The Lady's Magazine (British). Courtesy Google.
Victoria Magazine (German), 1863-1871. From Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. No supplements, but splendid quality scans. Color plates. Read online or download entire issues as PDF files.
Wiener Mode, 1888-1903. Heinrich Heine Universitaet Dusseldorf. Delightful middle-class clothing, beautifully illustrated with some plates in color, and with patterns in miniature, in centimeters. Also home, craft amd house information. The highly modern Viennese style comes through clearly in the needlework and house sections.
Vogue Magazine: 1892-1925. Links to content in the Internet Archive from the University of Pennsylvania Online Books page.
- Adams Family Papers: searchable text for 1734-1829, but much of interest with Abigail and her sisters is only through 1786. John and Abigail Adams letters 1762-1801. Both resources unimaginably rich look into 18th century New England life, plus travelogue-like information while JA and AA were in Europe in the 1780s.
- Album containing early fashion plates, from 1760-early 19th century. British Museum, accession number C,4.1-468.
- America's First Look into the Camera: Daguerrotype Portraits and Views, 1839-1864
More than 725 of them, mostly portraits, and mostly by the Mathew Brady studio. Wonderful for fashion research. - Antique Pattern Library Needlework books, PDF format
- The Art of Dressmaking. By Sophie Klug; 1895. Clearly written dressmaking text from mid-decade, with truly useful pictures.
- Barbara Johnson's fabric album. Fabric samples, fashion plates, and etc., from 18th and 19th centuries. V&A.
- BFI (British Film Institute): Mitchell and Kenyon Collection: Edwardian Britain on Film
A superb way to see Edwardian clothing (mostly from 1900-1904) in action, as worn by everday people and celebrities. The films are usually just a few minutes long. - Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Collection Maciet
Very large database collection of fashion plates, with the occasional pattern. Marvelous for mid-nineteenth century. Photos zoom to very large size. In French. - Casneau's Guide For Artistic Dress Cutting and Making. By Alice A. Casneau, and from an old catalog. 1895. On Archive.org.
- Chronicling America. A simply indispensible archive of key American newspapers, 19th and twentieth centuries
- A Compleat English-German, German-english Dictionary. Johann Georg Christian Fick. English-German part; German-English part. (~1802)
- Constance Howard Resource and Research Centre in Textiles. Textile archive, VADS.
- La Couturiere Parisienne Fashion plates, patterns, and fashion history from an accomplished fashion historian in Germany.
- Cutting manuals of the 19th century located in the Internet Archive. Listing of primary resources with links directly to them. From Jeremy Irwin's blog on github.
- The Daguerrian Society A database of over 1,000 images. You may search the database or browse the images by thematically organized galleries.
- A dictionary English, German and French. By Christian Ludovici, Johann Bartholomäus Rogler (1763). Google Books
- Digital Collections, Duke University: Rich with primary resources
- Electronic Swatchbook: almost 2,000 samples from the Powerhouse Museum's swatchbooks.
- Empress Josephine: some of her gowns and mantles and accessories from Malmaison. From Madame Guillotine's blog The female's friend, and general domestic adviser : including a complete alphabetical receipt book. Instructions in dress making, &c. London, George Virtue, 1837. Contains cap patterns, etc. On Archive.org
- L’Encyclopédie, Diderot and Alembert (see separate section below)
- LACIS Museum of Lace and Textiles In California, which also offers online exhibitions and catalogs, with images in high detail. The Lacis store is a well-known source for lace and needlework supplies.
- Iowa Digital Library: Iowa Women's Archives and the Noble Photographs These two collections, part of the much larger Iowa Digital Library, contain fascinating photographs of women in everyday, work, and school settings. Chiefly Belle Epoque era and later. On the homepage, scroll down to choose either of the collections from the list.
- Iowa State University Digital Collections: Fashion Plates "Contains plates of general fashion dating back to the 18th century and continuing through the 20th century. Additional categories within the files include accessories, baby and beach fashions, bridal fashions and portraits, children's and communion clothing, footwear, inaugural gowns, maid uniforms, masquerade costumes, men's fashion, millinery, mourning dresses, negligees and undergarments. There are also magazine issues relating to fashion as well as magazine articles discussing fashion of the Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern periods."
- LACMA Collections Online: Costume and Textiles Fashion plates and online exhibits from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Large holdings.
- L'Art de la coëffure des dames françoises, avec des estampes où sont représentées les têtes coeffées... par le sieur Legros Coiffures from 1768. Also, the supplement, same year: Supplément de l'Art de la coëffure des dames françoises, par le sieur Legros.
- Leeds Museums and and Galleries Collections Including the Satires and Caricatures of Lady Hertford, French textiles, costumes, more
- The Lewis Walpole Library Large collection of prints. Searchable, zoomable.
- Los Angeles Public Library: Casey Fashion Plates Index "The Joseph E. Casey Fashion Plate Collection contains over 6,200 handcolored fashion plates from British and American magazines dating from the 1790s to the 1880s. All of the plates are indexed and digitized for online viewing."
- Mary Antoinette's Court Dress, video and transcript from Royal Ontario Museum. Dress with embroidery, ribbon applique, spangles, pastes.
- Massachusetts Historical Society online collections: letters, diaries, newspaper, legal and additional resources, especially for 18th century. Rich hunting grounds for understanding dress, culture -- including social norms -- and events as they happen views.
- McCord Museum, Canada: Costume and Texiles Collection Zoomable photographs (one per ensemble) and explication of hundreds of items in their collection. Note that the museum has many other collections online, including photographs, plus fascinating games. A marvelous site.
- Millinery: Theoretical and Practical (1909)
- Modens historie - Tidens tøj. From Nationalmuseet, Denmark. Phew, it's back, although a little less complete than the late lamented old site. Modes et usages au temps de Marie-Antoinette, par le comte de Reiset. Livre-journal de Madame Éloffe, marchande de modes, couturière lingère ordinaire de la reine et des dames de sa cour. Ouvrage illustré de près de 200 gravures, dont 110 grandes planches, 68 coloriées. Fabulous book with both plates, descriptions, commentary. Two volumes, begins 1787. On Hathitrust.
- Napoleon.org, including Napoleonica(R) Research Online Research texts, bibliographies, online exhibitions, and access to Napoleonica: La Revue (scholarly
- Nathan Bailey's Dictionary, English-German and German-English. Part 1 (English-German), Part 2: German-English)
- Neue Englische Stick-Muster zum Stuecken fuer Dames, als auch fuer Spitzen - Cottun -- und andere Fabriken. (1794). Am looking for this book of embroidery designs. Reviewed in Luxus und der Moden, January 1794.
- The National Garment Cuttter Book of Diagrams. Goldsberry, Doran, and Nelson. 1888. Dressmaking patterns. Internet Archive.
- A new hand-dictionary of the English language for the Germans and of the German language for Englishmen. Volume 2 (though it says Vol 3 in Google)
- The new pocket dictionary of the French and English languages. Thomas Nugent, J.S. Charrier. 1784
- New York Public Library
- NYPL Digital Gallery
To find fashion plates, in seach box type "fashion" and then a year. - "The Pageant of America" Photograph Archive
These are photographs, not fashion plates, but very useful for looking at dress
- NYPL Digital Gallery
- Powerhouse Museum Collection From the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia. Photos of actual garments and accessories, including some ensembles with zoom feature.
- Regency Fashion Page
Cathy Decker's monumental collection of fashion plates and texts from women's magazines - Text-Book on Domestic Art: With Illustrations and Drafts. By Carrie Crane Ingalls, 1911. Now on the Chest of Books site. I used several of the drafts successfully in a few of my Edwardian projects in the aughts. They came out beautifully.
- Tidens Toj A Danish museum exhibition site containing high-quality, zoomable photos of actual garments, and often fashion plates and patterns to go along with them. Covers multiple centuries, but the nineteenth century is very nicely represented.
- VADS: The Online Source for Visual Arts. Multiple online collections of textiles, fashion
- plates, advertising, decorative arts, etc.
- University of Washington Digital Collections: Fashion Plate Collection "The database consists of 417 digital images chosen from a larger group of fashion plates"
- Williamsburg fashion accessories exhibition: 17th-19th centuries. Flickr closeup shots from Trystan.
- Women Working, 1800-1930: Open Collections, Harvard University
There are so many entries for the Encyclopedia, which many costumers today seem to simply name "Diderot", that it seemed best to give it its own section. The encyclopedia came out over a series of years and in multiple editions, and there is no one single source out there that I have found that is both publicly available and contains most everything.
My Favorite Source for Specific Portions of the Encyclopedia
It's in French, but everything is there, in its original form. From a French site titled CNUMS, (Le Conservatoire numérique des Arts & Métiers), a joint project of several French libraries.
Tome XIV. L'art du perruquier ; l'art du tailleur, renfermant le tailleur d'habits d'hommes les culottes de peau, le tailleur de corps de femmes & enfans [sic enfants], la couturière & la marchande de modes [par M. de Garsault] ; l'art de la lingère, l'art du brodeur [par M. de Saint Aubin], l'art du cirier [par M. Duhamel Du Monceau], l'art du criblier [par M. Fougeroux d'Angerville], l'art du coutelier en ouvrages communs [par M. Fougeroux de Bondaroy], l'art du bourrelier & du sellier [par M. de Garsault], & l'art du mouleur en plâtre [par M. Fiquet]. A Neuchâtel : Dans l'imprimerie de la société typographique, 1780.
Descriptions des arts et métiers, faites ou approuvées par Messieurs de l'Académie royale des sciences de Paris
Index. More volumes in the Arts et Metiers.
Index. More volumes in the Arts et Metiers.
Portions of the Encyclopedia, in English
The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert
A partial copy, English and French, crowd-sourced and a work in progress. The plates are nice not overlarge and do not contain the accompanying pages of text. University of Michigan. Still, essential.
Encyclopedia Methodique: Manufactures, Arts et Metiers
A massive followup to Diderot and D'Alembert. Managed by Charles-Joseph Panckoucke. Bigger, much more confusing, because the content is arranged by set of disciplines, from math to grammer to fish to games, with an alpha treatment for each set of disciplines. All things clothing are within the multiple volumes of the Manufactures, Arts et Metiers set.
In Google Books:
In Gallica: search for "Encyclopedie Methodique manufactures" and you will find am incomplete set as well.
Some of the plates appear to be in a Hungarian archive, while others are in a volume in Gallica, and the full set in a Madrid archive, accessed through Hathitrust. Because the plate designer was the same man as designed the Diderot plates, some of the plates are rather similar in this encyclopedia, but not most of them, and sometimes there are more plates in this encyclopedia, with more details. Sometimes this is due to technology having advanced since Diderot's time.
- the plates from an Hungarian? archive. Click on the book image to open the book viewer. There are four volumes (Liburukia), 2, 4, 5, 6.
- A fantastic example: a woman's hairstyle, in bits
- combs, another example
- example plates from the Gallica volume (lacks a number, but appears to be volume two of the plates...but there are several editions, apparently, with several volume 2s!)
- plates (Recueil de planches de l'Encyclopedie par ordre de...) from the Madrid collection (Hathitrust catalog record, with links to 8 volumes)
- Volume 6 is the volume with most of the trades we are interested in
- umbrella maker
- lace and net making
- lacemaking detail: filling in what I guess are gimp threads and then the ground
- spinning (one of many, showing different machines)
- lingere (with new details; one of two plates)
- Marchande de modes
- galloon making
- featherworker including adding to gowns
- stays
Keys to Museum Holdings of Extant Garments
- 18th Century Notebook
Primarily collects links to extant garments from the 18th century for women, men, and children, along with references, patterns, and other useful information.
- 18th Century Fashion Close Up: Details from extant clothing. From Lucinda Brant. On Pinterest.
- 18th century clothing patterns
From Costumer's Manifesto. Many taken from Leloir - Athenaeum, presented by the Barony of Madrone, Kingdom of An Tir, SCA.
- Les Coiffures a la Mode
18th and early 19th century hairstyles, with original names. In French. From La Mesure de l'Excellence Paris - Duran textiles: Newsletters
Focused mostly on the 18th century. Well researched. From Sweden. Some patterns.
- The Fan Book, McIver, Percival. A history of fans and fan-making.
- Fashioning Fashion - Europäische Moden 1700 - 1915. Excellent YouTube video, in German, of how an exhibition is put together, focusing on a few wonderful pieces, including a sack gown and a what appears to be a Regency-era reticule. Available in high-definition.
- Felshin, Sue: Research Pages
(articles and fantastic 18th century costume terminology glossary with links)
Edwardian-era manual. Part of extensive online collection of sewing materials
- Glossary of 18th Century Costume Terminology (heavily annotated with links. Excellent)
- Lace in American Revolutionary War Reenacting
Excellent, detailed treatment by Sue Felshin on The Hive site. Some information for prior to and after the Revolution
- Lady Elowys of Finchingefeld, JdL, JdS (fingerloop braiding tutorials)
- Loop Braiding finger-loop braiding history, instructions and designs
- Natural Dyes from Plants and How to Make Them
- Needle 'n Thread site (Embroidery)
For embroidery, including goldwork and silk thread work. High quality tutorials
- Original Pre 1929 Historical Patterns (a Tumblr site) with scans or original 19th and 20th century patterns
- Purtyfulness, and a Brief History of the Parasol. Short, but good images
- The Republic of Pemberley (Jane Austen)
All research Austen
- Victorian Trade Cards Digital Collection (Iowa Digital Library)
Peculiarly Good Articles/Resources on Specific Topics, by Era
This section is particularly outdated, because so many costumers have developed excellent tutorials and dress diaries since this section was built in 2015. Some of the articles may still be useful, so I am leaving the section posted.
- Aprons
- Useful Yet Elegant: Black Silk Aprons, c. 1770. Understanding how black aprons are useful when working with fiber and textiles. From Two Nerdy History Girls.
- Buttonholes, 18th century style: resources and how-tos, from At the Sign of the Golden Scissors
- Calash: constructing a late 18th century one: Serena Dyer's blog
- Examples of Chenille-based embroidery: see my Pinterest page, 18th Century Embroidered Garments
- Chintz and other glazed fabrics: discussion and methods of producing. From Quilt History list.
- A Chintz Quarter-Back Gown, 1780-1785. Excellent tutorial on construction techniques, including stitches. From A Fashionable Frolick.
- Classic Georgian Hairstyle, from Locks of Elegance
- Cockade Tutorial, in Two Parts. Very well illustrated, showing lots of variations. From Idle Hands
- Collar: Attaching a Collar, Using an Extant Riding Habit Made by a Mantua Maker. From Rockin' the Rococo
- A robe a l'anglaise--or en fourreau gown--a tutorial (several parts). By Katherine Caron-Grieg (Koshka the cat). Very sensible.
- Making an En Fourreau Gown /Night Gown/Mantua. Tutorial By Rockin' the Rococo
- Dressing how to. From chemise out, in a 1770s gown ensemble. Very detailed, by a Williamsburg-trained mantua maker
- Eighteenth Century Dress Tutorials by Rockin' the Rococo. Detailed design and construction, heavily illustrated, for a series of 1750-70 garments, such as a riding habit, sack dress, stays, and a pet en l'air. Part of a masters thesis and exhibition by brocadegoddess. Completed 2010.
- English (en fourreau) gown:
- En Fourreau Back: the Lazy Dressmaker's Version: clever way to pleat an en fourreau back via pleating on a flat surface, rather than draping. Ignore the secondary lining. From the Merry Dressmaker blog
- Konkurs na ubior rokoko (Rococo Fashion in Poland). From the Wilanow Palace Museum. Heavily illustrated site includes many, many details about Rococo fashion in Poland, and includes two highly detailed tutorials for a caraco and robe anglaise. Translates decently to English via Google. Tutorials were contributed by the professional costumer and PhD candidate Atelier Polonaise.
- Fabric information:
- damasks, from At the Sign of the Golden Scissors
- linens and cottons: Textile Thoughts, from At the Sign of the Golden Scissors
- painted silks, from At the Sign of the Golden Scissors
- striped fabric, from At the Sign of the Golden Scissors
- Fly fringe (souci d' hanneton, floss fringe, knotted fringe):
- Floss fringe trim posts from At the Sign of Golden Scissors
- Floss fringe posts from Two Nerdy History Girls
- "Soucis d'hanneton, or Soucil de hanneton, or floss-fringe, or fly-fringe". Article in Silk Damask blog
- Colonial Williamsburg Sewing Class: Fly Fringe. The tools and the results, and sample patterns. However, not how to make the fringe itself. From Teacups in the Garden
- Trim Foundations: How fly fringe is used...placed on other trim, not used alone. From At the Sign of the Golden Scissors.
- Image of fly fringe made on a loom.
- Fly fringe and trim as made by Gina-B Silkworks
- Gimp
- Gimp: Making Silk-Wrapped Gimp (prior to weaving and plaiting it)
- Silk gimp for purchase, from Thistle Threads.
- Goldwork examples, 18th and early 19th century: See my special page on this subject!
- Hairstyles:
- Hairstyle: 1790s Hair and Turban Tutorial. Video from Festive Attyre.
- 1770-1780 hairstyle tutorial, from Isis
- Hairstyle Tutorial: 1770s-1780s upswept front, hair rolls, and hanging back hair. From Isis' Wardrobe
- Classic Georgian Hairstyle. Actually just 1770s. From Locks of Elegance.
- Hats
- Hat, covered: a tutorial (blog post title: "An 18th Century Covered Hat"). From A Fashionable Frolick.
- Original hat, 1760-1770, covered straw with lace and ribbon trim. Detailed photos show construction. Temps d'Elegance.
- Jacket information:
- Jacket: handsome everyday jacket in block print with lacing rings. Has two peplums! Interior piece of self-fabric used to pin(?) petticoat to. From humble origin. From Colonial Williamsburg. See interior view.
- Hallie Larkin's jacket research, on The Sign of the Golden Scissors
- Recommended (by Hallie Larkin) typical 1770s jacket cut: Period Impressions pattern: PL 421; based on Janet Arnold jacket. See reviews on Great Pattern Review
- Knotting
- Knotting: Description and videos. By Cythia Griffith, costumer. You'll have to scroll down her embroidery category of posts to find the knotting posts.
- Knotted trims, as made by Gina-B Silkworks
- Late 18th Century Skirt Supports: Bums, Rumps, & Culs. History and experiments, by Kendra Van Cleave. Originally in Your Wardrobe Unlock'd
- Madame Pompadour rose-trimmed green dress. Entirely amazing, and good information on how the trims were made. From Clothes Closet of a 21st Century Empress.
- Mitts:
- Mitts. Illustrated guide to making a pair of silk mitts, leather lined, with period stitches including fagoting and fherringbone stitch. From the Aristocat.
- Blue and Purple Mitts. Diary, well documented. From Mouse Borg Designs.
- Muff
- Tutorials: muff insert, and muff slipcover. From The Fashionable Past.
- 1785-1810 muff example: fabulous, with chenille on gauze, sequins, painted medallion showing Hope with her anchor; from Colonial Williamsburg Historic Threads exhibit. Browse for the muff. For muff directions, check Diary of a Mantua Maker and Fashionable Frolick
- Petticoats:
- An Easy, Authentic Eighteenth Century Petticoat (From Catherine Caron-Grieg)
- Perfectly Pleated Petticoat (with skirt supports). From Diary of a Mantua Maker.
- The Standard 18th-Century Petticoat. The basic petticoat, sans skirt supports. Good tutorial from A Fashionable Frolick
- Quilted petticoats: Heileen's pictures
- Pockets: Pockets of History collection at VADS
- Punched Trim: how to do it with modern tools, from the Dreamstress in her post, Queen Charlotte petticoat progress (and punched lace!)
- Ribbon embroidery
- Ribbon embroidery tutorials: helpful for 18th and 19th century ribbon embroidery. Turkish blog.
- More ribbon embroidery tutorials: from Carol Daisy's Silk Ribbon Embroidery blog
- 19 Ways to Make Ribbon Flowers: a few of the methods will produce 18th century style flowers. From TipNut blog
- Hand-dying Silk Ribbon with RIT dye: from Crazy Quilting and Embroidery blog
- Hand-Paint Your Own Silk Ribbon (with Setacolor paints): from Dharma Trading
- Setacolor transparent dyes: good for silk ribbon dying
- Woven silk ribbon: Dharma Trading
- Hand-Dyed Fibers Silk Ribbon: matches their silk chenille, reasonable cost, 8-yard spools
- Ribbons
- Example of single-color warp-patterned silk ribbon, 1760-1770. See especially image no. 5. Temps d'Elegance.
- Ruching:
- how to finish the sites: evidence from extants in Britain. See "Thoughts on late 18th century pet-en-l’aire trimmings" and look under the comments section.
- Rococo Ruched Trim, plus a pretty ruched "carnation" flower, from the Pragmatic Costumer.
- Sack dress (robe a la Francaise) information and tutorials:
- Sack Dress Tutorial (The Chocolate Francaise). From Katherine Caron-Greig (aka Koshka-the-cat). Especially good draping information.
- Making the Rose Francaise. From A Fractured Fairytale. Particularly good re fitted lining.
- Mourning Francaise. From Demode. Good diagrams.
- How to Make a Contouche. From Marquise.de. Particularly good for the back pleating diagram
- Sewing and seam techniques
Point a rabattre sous la main: Abby's tutorial. Yes, it can serve for seams as well as for hem finishes.
- La Point a Rabattre Sous la Main (18th century edge or hemming stitch). This key 18th century stitch looks like a topstitch outside and a hemming stitch underneath, and finishes sleeves and other edges rapidly. Learn about it in baumgartner's Costume Close-Up. A Vimeo video by Koshka the cat, who calls it an edging stitch.
- Whipped Gathers: How to Do Them.Video on this eighteenth century technique that gathers and hems a frill at the same time. All you need to do then is to whip the frill to the main garment. A Vimeo video from Katherine (aka Koshka-the-cat). Note: I prefer to prepare my hem by rolling it, as seen on original garments in books like 18th Century Embroidery Techniques, for it results in a narrower hem. The rolling process is described in words in Slightly Obsessed's Rollin', Rollin', Rollin blog post.
- Sewing and Seam Techniques: Seen on 18th Century Garments in Various Museum Collections (PDF) - from NWTA
- Shifts:
- Hallie Larkin's series about shifts (April 2012), from At the Sign of the Golden Scissors. You will have to search for the entries, because they aren't tagged.
- The Cognitive Shift, or, 18th Century Shifts, What I Know and How I Learned It. From Sharon Ann Burnston. Absolutely essential. Includes patterns!
- Shoes
- Chopine, Zoccolo, and Other Raise and High Heel Construction. Tip-top, and covers 18th century as well. Includes recipes for shoemaker's wax, etc.
- My Louis Heels. Merja's experiences with shoemaking. Lots of tips.
- Shoemaking process in images. From Eliza West. Publicly shared FB posting.
- Shoes and shoe-making: posts from Diary of a Mantua Maker. Very helpful. She also offers a booklet for sale illustrating the process.
- Sole stitching options; diagram. Source unsure; Medieval through early 19th century?
- Short cloak: From The Hive Online.
- Sleeve, Setting an Eighteenth Century, tutorial from Katherine Caron-Greig. Sleeve set pretty much the way I do it, but with much better pictures.
- Sleeve Ruffles
- Make Your Own Ruffles! From At the Sign of the Golden Scissors
- Materials and documented construction method, from Crazy Concord Chicks blog
- Burano lace sleeve ruffles, c 1780, from antique-textiles.net
- Cream muslin double sleeve ruffles with whitework, c 1770, from antique-textiles.net
- Double white sleeve ruffles, plain, c 1760, from antique-textiles.net
- Stays pattern and directions, 1780s. From the Aristocat.
- Cloak, hand-netted, c 1790-1795, from antique-textiles.net
- Combs and diadems:
- Bronze and pearl diadem in detail, from antique-textiles.net
- Covered Dorset Buttons
Not a tutorial, but a sort-of how-to. Read the 1809 Muslin Gown post, and read its comments. Look at the picture of the back up close. You can figure it out from there. - Embroidery: Simple and Quick Embroidery Design Transfer Method (that works like carbon paper). From Mary Corbet's Needle 'n Thread
- Fan: dark blue with gold paint and spangles. Simple and elegant. From Colonial Williamsburg.
- Goldwork embroidered ballgown, c. 1820, with silver-gilt. (Scroll down blog page to locate.)
- Hairstyles
- Regency Hairstyle with how-to. With braid, high bun, and small face curls. From Taylor at Dames a la Mode.
- How to Get Fabulous Historical Hairstyles Using [Drinking] Straws. From the Pragmatic Costumer
- Hats: Regency Stovepipe Hat tutorial. Good tutorial from C.W. Griffith.
- Limerick Lace video, both needle-run and tambour
Well done video. Note how the tambour hook is not twisted, the hand underneath is, in this version. - Limerick Lace, both tambour and needle-run, tutorial
Decent tutorial from vintage resource, unnamed. Clear enough instructions to follow. Note: histories of Limerick lace say that it came from England and earlier Coggeshall and other net laces, so I can use the general concept with confidence, making sure that I employ actual patterns of the years from which my design hails. - Regency Inside-Out [A reproduceable plain 1805-12 dress]
The construction of a dress made mostly from geometric pieces, with sewing details. From Diary of a Mantua-Maker. - Reticules
- shaped cream reticule with chenille embroidery, c 1790-1800, from antique-textiles.net
- Shoes
Using a mix of resources, it should be possible to make either turn-shoe style Regency slippers (an approximation, or using the Gracefull Lady's site, go one step further to real slippers. - Making Mid 19th Century Shoes (from the Gracefull Lady)
- Last making - Boot and Shoes: Their Making, Manufacturing, and Selling. 2007 reprint. In sectipon II, Full treatment of lastmaking, illustrated. From HCC Guild.
- Footwear of the Middle Ages. Covers earlier periods but there is a lot that carries over into the 18th century. From I. Marc Carlson.
Posts related to shoes from Diary of a Mantua Maker - 1790s Fashion: A Transition from The Enlightenment to Regency, a fashion history overview in two parts
- 1795 Bodice Designs: Wrap-Front and V Necklines
- Extant garments online: dealers, auction houses, more
- Fashion plate research from Journal des Luxus und der Moden
Translations of fashion plate texts and other articles. Often key to understanding the fabrics and construction used, when the plates themselves are confusing. Additional articles about hair powder use, fabrics, and more.
- Jens Juel, the painter: Warm Portraits, Useful Gauzy 18th Century Costume Details
Understanding how gauzy stuff is put together.
- Scaled patterns of American Regency-era dresses
Available online from the NWTA site
- Wearing two petticoats, one under breast and one at waist: evidence from Luxus und der Moden
- Bows
- Bows: constructing a rounded bow from three pieces of fabric (from the Fashionable Past)
- Dress construction and fitting
- Sleeve Fitting For Movement. Excellent article from Jennifer Rosbrugh
- Hair
- 1870s hair tutorial, from Michaela deBruce
- Self-instructor in the art of hair work, dressing hair, making curls, switches, braids, and hair jewelry of every description (1867)
- Making a Hair Switch, from Sewing to Distraction. Really straightforward.
- Self-instructor in the Art of Hair Work: Dressing Hair, Making Curls, Switches, Braids.... By Mark Campbell. 1867. Google Books.
- The Makings of a Natural Form Era Hairstyle: hairpiece how-tos. From Lynn McMasters
- Victorian Evening Hairstyles: tutorial for making chignons and bangs, plus complete Natural Form era hairstyles. Lynn McMasters, on Your Wardrobe Unlock'd
- Overskirts
- Easiest overskirt pattern: two rectangles drawn into front and back aprons by pulling up tapes inserted in side seam casings. See Wearing History, "The Plaid 1869 Dress".
- Shoes
- The art and mystery of the gentle craft, an essay on boot and shoe making (1834) Patterns and how to
- Designing, cutting and grading boot and shoe patterns, and complete manual for the stitching room, by an expert of thirty years (1899) Patterns
- Making Mid-19th Century Shoes. From Anna Allen. A bit outdated in spots, but still useful: she follows Every Lady Her Own Shoemaker.
- The boot and shoe-maker's assistant (1853) History and patterns
- Trims and decorative sewing
- Bows, Rosettes, and Cockades. Nice illustrated how-to. From Gina-B Silkworks. Originally published in Your Wardrobe Unlock'd.
- Honeycomb smocking. From Katafalk
- How to Calculate Yardage for Ruffles (for 19th century usage). From Jennifer Rosbrugh of Historical Sewing
- Techniques for Easier Pleating in 19th Century Costuming. From Jennifer Rosbrugh of Historical Sewing
- The Simple Solution to Perfect Pleats (vinegar). From Jennifer Rosbrugh of Historical Sewing
- Victorian Trimmings. Fancy trims of all sorts and how to do them. From Gina-B Silkworks. Originally published in Your Wardrobe Unlock'd.
Multiple Eras
- Fabric roses tutorial, by The Laced Angel. Nice and clear.
- Wire-framed hats, multiple eras, from Beauty from Ashes. Use the tag to pull all of the related posts.
Patterns and Advice
- Elizabeth Stewart Clark and Company
- La Volta Press Books
Massive pattern books from the late Regency, Reconstruction, First and Second Bustle, 1890s, and Edwardian eras. I have most all of her books and dote on them.
- Saundra Ros Altman's Past Patterns
The Cadillac of historical patterns. Superbly researched; understandable instructions
- Reconstructing History (good articles)
- Sense and Sensibility Patterns
Very good basic patterns, easily adaptable; I keep returning to them
- Sharon Ann Burnston" "At Home" in the 18th Century
- Treadle On (antique sewing machine listserv)
- Truly Victorian Patterns
Superb source for bustle-era patterns; well researched, well patterned. Super directions.
I run across useful quotations about dress, manners, food, and social historical tidbits pretty often, but to date have not kept track of them, with the usual resulting frustration that when I want a quotation it's not to hand and has to be looked up all over again.
Isn't keeping research ready -- for onesself and to share -- what the Internet's all about? Thus the below, very intermittently updated.
Late dinners, suppers; teas; and use of "rasher" as rustic term
"Yes: she is used, madame, to suppers: she would like an egg or two, and a few slices of ham, or a rasher --- a rasher, I believe, would please her better."
How ridiculous! However, nothing could persuade Mrs. Thrale not to have the cloth laid[...]
[...]I ate nothing, that they might not again use such a ceremony with me. Indeed, their late dinners [at Streatham] forbid suppers, especially as Dr. Johnson made me eat cake at tea[...]
[...]Perhaps I have offended her[...]I talked to her of a rasher![...]
[...]I find, madame, it is used by Dryden: in one of his prologues he says --- 'and snatch a homely rasher from the coals.' So you must not mind me, madame[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 60, 62)
Cap-wearing in public
[...]she says that she really concluded something was wrong, and that, in getting out of the coach, she had given her cap some unlucky cuff,--- by their merciless staring.
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 61)
Use of "confab"
We had a very nice confab about various books[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 66)
Use of caps in the house in the morning
[...]And when she comes down in a morning," says Mrs. Thrale, "her hair will be all loose, and her cap half off[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 69)
Jackets worn to church, linen jackets
When Dr. Johnson was gone, she told me of my mother's being obliged to change her dress.
"Now,", said she, "Mrs. Burney had on a very pretty linen jacket and coat, and was going to church; but Mr. Johnson, who, I suppose, did not like her in a jacket, saw something was the matter, and so found fault with the linen: and he looked and peered, and then said, 'Why madam, this won't do! you must not go to church so!' So away went poor Mrs. Burney and changed her gown![...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 71)
Just as we had got our biscuits and toast-and-water, which make the Streatham supper, and which, indeed, is all there any chance of eating after our late and great dinners[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 79)
Being her own milliner
For the truth is, my "uncommon" engagements have been only of the visiting system, and my "incessant" ones only of the working party; -- for perpetual dress requires perpetual replenishment, and that replenishment actually occupies almost every moment I spend out of company.
"Fact! fact!" I assure you -- however paltry, ridiculous, or inconceivable it may sound. Caps, hats, and ribbons make, indeed, no venerable appearance upon paper; -- no mre do eating and drinking; -- yet the one can no more be worn without being made, than the other swallowed without being cooked; and those who can neither pay milliners no keep scullions must either toil for themselves, or go capless and dinnerless."
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 253.)
Hair and Hat
Don't be angry that I have been absent so long without writing, for I have been so entirely without a moment to myself, except for dressing, that I really have not had it in my power. This morning, being obliged to have my hair dressed early, I am a prisoner, that I may not spoil it by a hat, and therefore I have made use of my captivity in writing to my dear Susy..."
[Had she gone out for a walk, she'd have had to put a hat on her dressed hair, and therefore spoil it.]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 261)
A Milliner's Visit, and Getting a New Suit
This morning a milliner was ordered to bring whatever she had to recommend; I believe, to our habitation, and Mr. Thrale bid his wife and daughter take what they wanted, and send him the account.
But, not content with this, he charged me to do the same. You may imagine if I did. However, finding me refractory, he absolutely insisted upon presenting me with a complete suit of gauze lino, and htat in a manner that showed me a refusal would greatly disoblige him. And then he very gravely desired me to have whatever I pleased at any time, and to have it added to his account. And so sincere I know him to be, that I am sure he would be rather pleased than surprised if I should run him np a new bill at this woman's. He would fain have persuaded me to have taken abundance of other things, and Mrs. Thrale seemed mpre gratified than with what he did for herself. Tell my dear father all this."
[Fanny was a long-term guest at the Thrale's home, Streatham, as well as fellow traveler to Brighthelmstone and other places.]
Keeping Memoranda on Tablets
It is such an age since I have written, that had I not kept memorandums in my tablets, I could not possibly give any account of our proceedings.
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 280)
Finding Fault with Pinned Ribbons and Cap
Harriet Bowdler is much younger than any of her sisters, but less handsome; she is sprightly, good-humored, and agreeable. I was introduced to her very quietly by her sister, but soon after, Mrs. Bowdler finding some fault with the manner in which she had pinned her ribbons, applied to me about them. I sided, however, with Harriet, whose method I preferred.
(I conjecture that the ribbons were at the top of her bodice and on her cap.)
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 307)
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 268)
Fans on Display
I passed the whole day at Sir Joshua Reynolds's with Miss Palmer, who, in the morning, took me to see some most beautiful fans, painted by Poggi, from designs of Sir Joshua, Angelica, West, and Cipriani, on leather; they are, indeed, more delightful than can be well imagined: ome was bespoke by the Duchess of Devonshire, for a present to some woman of rank in France, that was to cost 30L.
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 2, 10)
The Gewgaws of Lady Say and Sele
"Miss Burney, Lady Say and Sele desires the honor of being introduced to you."
Her ladyship stood by her (Mrs. Paradise's) side. She seems pretty near fifty -- at least turned forty; her head was full of feathers, flowers, jewels, and gew-gaws, and as high as Lady Archer's; her dress was trimmed with beads, silver, persian sashes, and all sort of fine fancies; her face is thin and fiery, and her whole manner spoke a lady all alive."
(She had attended a rout at Mr. Paradise's house.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 90)
Visiting the (Assembly) "Rooms" after the Publication of Cecilia
Mr. Pepys was very unwilling to part with us, and wanted to frighten me from going, by saying, --
"And has Miss Burney courage to venture to the Rooms? In wonder she dares!"
I did not seem to understand him, though to mistake him was impossible. However, I thought of him again when I was in the rooms, for most violent was the staring and whispering as I passed and repassed (promenading); insomuch that I shall by no means be in any haste to go again to them."
(F.B., Vol. 2, 129)
Place of Honor at a Ball
Lady Shelley, who spied us out, sent us an invitation to her party, and we all paraded to the top of the room, which in these places is the post of honor...and we all drank tea together.
(In Brighthelmstone)
(F.B. Vol. 2, 131)
Dressing to Visit
FRIDAY, NOV. 1st.-- We spent at home with only our two young beaus (friends, not real beaux). I was quite glad of not going out; for though the places have done very well, and been very lively when we have assembled at them, I have been heartily tired of such perpetual preparation, dressing, and visiting.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 137)
All about the Last Ball of the Season
When our company was all gone, late as it was, it was settled we should go to the ball, the last for the season being this night. ...
The ball was half over, and all the company seated to tea. Mr. Wade (the master of ceremonies) came to receive us ll, as usual, and we had a table procured for us, and went to tea ourselves, for something to do. When this repast was over, the company returned to their recreation. The room was very thin, and almost half the ladies danced with one another, though there were men enough present, I believe, had they chosen such exertion; but the Meadowses at balls are in crowds. Some of the ladies were in riding habits, and they made admirable men. 'Tis tonnish to be so much undressed at the last ball
None of our usual friends...were here, and we, therefore, made no party; but Mrs. Thrale and I stood at the top of the room to look on the dancing, and as we were thus disengaged, she wa seized with a violent desire to make one among them, and I felt myself an equal inclination. She proposed, as so many women danced together, that we two should, and nothing should I have liked so well; but I begged her to give up the scheme, as that would have occasioned more fuss and observation than our dancing with all the men that were ever born.
(F.B., Vol 2, 140-41)
Fantastic Dress
Miss Monckton...is one of those who stand foremost in collecting all extraordinary or curious people to her London conversaziones, which, like those of Mrs. Vesey, mix the rank and the literature, and exclude all besides....
Miss Monckton is between thirty and forty, very short, very fat, but handsome; splendidly and fantastically dressed, rouged not unbecomingly, yet evidently and palpably desirous of gaining notice and admiration. She has an easy levity in her air, manner, voice, and discourse, that speak all within to be comfortable; and her rage of seeing any thing curious may be satisfied, if she pleases, by looking in a mirror.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 144)
Ornateness of an Invitation
I received, also, a most perfumed note, on French paper, gilt, bordered, glazed, inclosed in a finely decorated cover, and sealed with a miniken figure, from Miss Monckton, to invite me for the 8th, to meet Mrs. Thrale. I accepted the invitation with pleasure; her parties are the most brilliant in town, and she is acquainted with many people I wish to meet. In small parties, or intimate acquaintances, it is necessary to like the mistress of the house; but in large assemblies, is is but like going to a better regulated public place.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 150)
Proper Behavior: Miss Monckton's Assembly, plus Mrs. Galway's Round Cap, and Entrances SLow Due to Wearing a Train
Dec. 8th. -- Now for Miss Monckton's assembly.
I had begged Mrs. Thrale to call for me, that I might have her countenance and assistance upon my entrance. Miss Thrale came also. Every thing was in a new style. We got out of the coach into a hall full of servants, not one of which inquired our names, or took any notice of us. We proceeded, and went upstairs, and when we arrived at a door, stopped and looked behind us. No servant had followed or proceeded us. We deliberated what was to be done. To announce ourselves as rather awkward, neither could we be sure we were going into the right apartment. I proposed our going up higher, till we met with somebody; Miss Thrale thought we should go down and call some of the servants; but Mrs. Thrale, after a ridiculous consultation, determined to try her fortune by opening the door. This being done, we entered a room full of -- tea things, and one maid-servant!
"Well," cried Mrs. Thrale, laughing, "what is to be done now? I suppose we are come so early that nothing is ready."
The maid stared, but said, -- "There's company in the next room."
Then we considered again how to make ourselves known; and then Mrs. Thrale again resolved to take courage and enter. She therefore opened another door, and went into another apartment. I held back, but looked after, and observing that she made no courtsey, concluded she was gone into some wrong place. Miss Thrale followed, and after her went little I, wondering who was to receive, or what was to become of us.
Miss Monckton lives with her mother, the old Dowager Lady Galway, in a noble house in Charles Street, Berkeley Square. The room was large and magnificent. There was not much company, for we were very early. Lady Galway sat at the side of the fire, and received nobody. She seems very old, and was dressed with a little round white cap, and not a single hair, no cushion, roll, nor any thing else but the little round cap, which was flat upon her forehead. Such part of the company as already knew her made their compliments to her where she sat, and the rest were never taken up to her, but belonged wholly to Miss Monckton.
Miss Monckton's own manner of receiving her guests was scarce more laborious; for she kept her seat when they entered, and only turned round her head to nod it and say "How do you do?" after which they found what accommodation they could for themselves.
As soon, however, as she perceived Mrs. and Miss Thrale, which was not till they had been some minutes in the room, she arise to welcome them, contrary to her general custom, and merely because it was their first visit. Our long trains making my entrance some time after theirs, gave me the advantage of being immediately seen by her, and she advanced to me with quickness, and very politely thanked me for comiong, and said, --
"I fear you think me very rude for taking the liberty of sending to you."
"No, indeed, you did me much honour," quoth I.
She then broke further into her general rules, by making way for me to a good place, and seating me herself, and then taking a chair next to me, and beginning a little chat. I really felt myself much obliged to her for this seasonable attention, for I was presently separated from Mrs. Thrale, and entirely surrounded by strangers, all dressed superbly, and all looking saucily; and as nobody's names were spoken, I had no chance to discover any acquaintances. Mr. Metcalf, indeed, came and spoke to me the instant I came in, and I should have been very happy to have had him for my neighbor; but he was engaged in attending to Dr. Johnson, who was standing near the fire, and environed with listeners.
Some new people coming in, and placing themselves in a regular way, Miss Monckton exclaimed, -- "My whole care is to prevent a circle;" and hastily rising, she pulled about the chairs, and planted the people in groups, with as dexterous a disorder as you would desire to see.
The company in general were dressed with more brilliancy than at any rout I ever was at, as most of them were going to the Duchess of Cumberland's, and attired for that purpose.
F.B., Vol. 2, 153-155)
How Uncomfortably Heavy Sacques (Sacks) Are
Just behind me sat Mrs. Hampden, still very beautiful, but insufferably affected. Another lady, in full dress, and very pretty, came in soon after, and got herself a chair just before me; and then a conversation began between her and Mrs. Hampden, of which I will give you a specimen.
"How disagreeable these sacques are! I am so incommoded with these nasty ruffles! I am going to Cumberland House -- are you?"
"To be sure," said Mrs. Hampden,; "what else, do you think, would make me bear this weight of dress? I can't bear a sacque."
"Why, I thought you said you should always wear them?"
"Oh, yes, but I have changed my mind since then -- as many people do."
"Well, I think it vastly disagreeable indeed," said the other, "you can't think how I'm encumbered with these ruffles!"
"Oh, I am quite oppressed with them," said Mrs. Hampden, "I can hardly bear myself up."
"And I dined in this way!", cried the other; "only think -- dining in a sacque!"
"Oh," answered Mrs. Hampden, "it really puts me quite out of spirits."
Well, have you enough? -- and has my daddy raved enough?
(F.B., Vol 2, 156)
A Round-Dressed Head versus High-Dressed Heads
Old Lady Galway trotted from her corner, in the middle of the evening, and leaning her hands on the backs of two chairs, put her little round head through two fine high dressed ladies on purpose to peep at me, and then trotted back to her place! Ha, ha!
(F.B., Vol. 2, 162)
A Hello Kiss from a Very Dressed-Up Lady
DEC. 15th.. -- To-day, by an invitation of ten days standing, I waited upon Mrs. Walsingham. She is a woman high in fame for her talents, and a wit by birth...(s)he has the character of being only civil to people of birth, fame, or wealth, and extremely insolent to others. Of this, however, I could see nothing, since she at least took care to invite no company to her own house whom she was disposed to disdain. Her reception of me appeared rather singular. She was violently dressed, -- a large hoop, flowers in her small and full dressed cap, ribands and ornaments extremely shown, and a fan in her hand. She was very polite, said much of her particular pleasure in seeing me, and kept advancing to me so near, that involuntarily I retreated from her, not knowing her design, and kept, therefore, getting further and further back as she came forward, till I was stopped from any power of moving by the wainscot. I then necessarily stood still, and she saluted me.
(I don't think Fanny was surprised so much by the dress, as by the kiss)
(F.B., Vol. 2, 163)
Fanny Describes Queen Charlotte's Clothing Preferences: Great Coats or Redingotes
Citation: Burney, Fanny. (2013). pp. 424-5. The Diary and Letters of Madame d'Arblay (Frances Burney), 1890 (Vol. 1). Hong Kong: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1890)
There are few points I have observed with more pleasure in her than all that concerns the office which brings me to her in this private and confidential manner. All that breaks from her, in our tete-a-tetes upon the subject of dress, is both edifying and amiable. She equips herself for the drawing-room with all the attention in her power; she neglects nothing that she thinks becoming to her appearance upon those occasions, and is sensibly conscious that her high station makes her attire in public a matter of business. As such, she submits to it without murmuring; but a yet stronger consciousness of the real futility of such mere outward grandeur bursts from her, involuntarily, the moment the sacrifice is paid, and she can never refuse herself the satisfaction of expressing her contentment to put on a quiet undress. The great coats are so highly in her favour, from the quickness with which they enable her to finish her toilette, that she sings their praise with fresh warmth every time she is allowed to wear them, archly saying to me, with most expressive eyes, " If I could write " if I could but write 1 " how I would compose upon a great coat! I wish I were a poetess, that I might make a song upon it " I do think something very pretty might be said about it.'*
These hints she has given me continually; but the Muse was not so kind as ever to make me think of the matter again when out of her sight " till, at last, she one day, in putting on this favourite dress, half gravely, said, " I really take it a little ill you won't write something upon these great coats! '* I only laughed, yet, when I left her, I scribbled a few stanzas, copied them very fairly, and took them, as soon as they were finished, into her room; and there kept them safely in my pocket-book, for I knew not how to produce them, and she, by odd accident, forbore from that time to ask for them, though her repeated suggestion had, at last, conquered my literary indolence.!"
Plus, the poem referenced in the quotation above.
"Thrice honour'd Robe! couldst thou espy The form that deigns to show thy worth; Hear the mild voice, view the arch eye, That call thy panegyric forth;
"Wouldst thou not swell with vain delight? With proud expansion sail along? And deem thyself more grand and bright Than aught that lives in ancient song,
"Than Venus' cestus, Dian's crest, Minerva's helmet, fierce and bold, Or all of emblem gay that dress'd
Capricious goddesses of old? "Thee higher honours yet await:- Haste, then, thy triumphs quick prepare, Thy trophies spread in haughty state, Sweep o'ei the earth, and scoff the air.
"The cares, or joys, she soars above That to the toilette's duties cleave; Far other cares her bosom move, Far other joys those cares relieve.
"The garb of state she inly scorn'd, Glad from its trappings to be freed, She saw thee humble, unadorn'd, Quick of attire,--a child of speed.
"Still, then, thrice honour'd Robe! retain Thy modest guise, thy decent ease; Nor let thy favour prove thy bane By turning from its fostering breeze.
"She views thee with a mental eye, And from thee draws this moral end:-- Since hours are register'd on high, The friend of Time is Virtue's friend."
For this precious production Fanny received quite as much as it was worth,--the thanks of the queen, who added, "Indeed it is very pretty--only! I don't deserve it." -ED.
Isn't keeping research ready -- for onesself and to share -- what the Internet's all about? Thus the below, very intermittently updated.
Quotations from...Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay
Edited by her Niece
Vol I., 1778-80.
London: Henry Colburn, 1854
Late dinners, suppers; teas; and use of "rasher" as rustic term
"Yes: she is used, madame, to suppers: she would like an egg or two, and a few slices of ham, or a rasher --- a rasher, I believe, would please her better."
How ridiculous! However, nothing could persuade Mrs. Thrale not to have the cloth laid[...]
[...]I ate nothing, that they might not again use such a ceremony with me. Indeed, their late dinners [at Streatham] forbid suppers, especially as Dr. Johnson made me eat cake at tea[...]
[...]Perhaps I have offended her[...]I talked to her of a rasher![...]
[...]I find, madame, it is used by Dryden: in one of his prologues he says --- 'and snatch a homely rasher from the coals.' So you must not mind me, madame[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 60, 62)
Cap-wearing in public
[...]she says that she really concluded something was wrong, and that, in getting out of the coach, she had given her cap some unlucky cuff,--- by their merciless staring.
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 61)
Use of "confab"
We had a very nice confab about various books[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 66)
Use of caps in the house in the morning
[...]And when she comes down in a morning," says Mrs. Thrale, "her hair will be all loose, and her cap half off[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 69)
Jackets worn to church, linen jackets
When Dr. Johnson was gone, she told me of my mother's being obliged to change her dress.
"Now,", said she, "Mrs. Burney had on a very pretty linen jacket and coat, and was going to church; but Mr. Johnson, who, I suppose, did not like her in a jacket, saw something was the matter, and so found fault with the linen: and he looked and peered, and then said, 'Why madam, this won't do! you must not go to church so!' So away went poor Mrs. Burney and changed her gown![...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 71)
Just as we had got our biscuits and toast-and-water, which make the Streatham supper, and which, indeed, is all there any chance of eating after our late and great dinners[...]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 79)
Being her own milliner
For the truth is, my "uncommon" engagements have been only of the visiting system, and my "incessant" ones only of the working party; -- for perpetual dress requires perpetual replenishment, and that replenishment actually occupies almost every moment I spend out of company.
"Fact! fact!" I assure you -- however paltry, ridiculous, or inconceivable it may sound. Caps, hats, and ribbons make, indeed, no venerable appearance upon paper; -- no mre do eating and drinking; -- yet the one can no more be worn without being made, than the other swallowed without being cooked; and those who can neither pay milliners no keep scullions must either toil for themselves, or go capless and dinnerless."
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 253.)
Hair and Hat
Don't be angry that I have been absent so long without writing, for I have been so entirely without a moment to myself, except for dressing, that I really have not had it in my power. This morning, being obliged to have my hair dressed early, I am a prisoner, that I may not spoil it by a hat, and therefore I have made use of my captivity in writing to my dear Susy..."
[Had she gone out for a walk, she'd have had to put a hat on her dressed hair, and therefore spoil it.]
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 261)
A Milliner's Visit, and Getting a New Suit
This morning a milliner was ordered to bring whatever she had to recommend; I believe, to our habitation, and Mr. Thrale bid his wife and daughter take what they wanted, and send him the account.
But, not content with this, he charged me to do the same. You may imagine if I did. However, finding me refractory, he absolutely insisted upon presenting me with a complete suit of gauze lino, and htat in a manner that showed me a refusal would greatly disoblige him. And then he very gravely desired me to have whatever I pleased at any time, and to have it added to his account. And so sincere I know him to be, that I am sure he would be rather pleased than surprised if I should run him np a new bill at this woman's. He would fain have persuaded me to have taken abundance of other things, and Mrs. Thrale seemed mpre gratified than with what he did for herself. Tell my dear father all this."
[Fanny was a long-term guest at the Thrale's home, Streatham, as well as fellow traveler to Brighthelmstone and other places.]
Keeping Memoranda on Tablets
It is such an age since I have written, that had I not kept memorandums in my tablets, I could not possibly give any account of our proceedings.
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 280)
Finding Fault with Pinned Ribbons and Cap
Harriet Bowdler is much younger than any of her sisters, but less handsome; she is sprightly, good-humored, and agreeable. I was introduced to her very quietly by her sister, but soon after, Mrs. Bowdler finding some fault with the manner in which she had pinned her ribbons, applied to me about them. I sided, however, with Harriet, whose method I preferred.
(I conjecture that the ribbons were at the top of her bodice and on her cap.)
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 307)
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 1, 268)
Fans on Display
I passed the whole day at Sir Joshua Reynolds's with Miss Palmer, who, in the morning, took me to see some most beautiful fans, painted by Poggi, from designs of Sir Joshua, Angelica, West, and Cipriani, on leather; they are, indeed, more delightful than can be well imagined: ome was bespoke by the Duchess of Devonshire, for a present to some woman of rank in France, that was to cost 30L.
(Fanny Burney, Vol. 2, 10)
The Gewgaws of Lady Say and Sele
"Miss Burney, Lady Say and Sele desires the honor of being introduced to you."
Her ladyship stood by her (Mrs. Paradise's) side. She seems pretty near fifty -- at least turned forty; her head was full of feathers, flowers, jewels, and gew-gaws, and as high as Lady Archer's; her dress was trimmed with beads, silver, persian sashes, and all sort of fine fancies; her face is thin and fiery, and her whole manner spoke a lady all alive."
(She had attended a rout at Mr. Paradise's house.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 90)
Visiting the (Assembly) "Rooms" after the Publication of Cecilia
Mr. Pepys was very unwilling to part with us, and wanted to frighten me from going, by saying, --
"And has Miss Burney courage to venture to the Rooms? In wonder she dares!"
I did not seem to understand him, though to mistake him was impossible. However, I thought of him again when I was in the rooms, for most violent was the staring and whispering as I passed and repassed (promenading); insomuch that I shall by no means be in any haste to go again to them."
(F.B., Vol. 2, 129)
Place of Honor at a Ball
Lady Shelley, who spied us out, sent us an invitation to her party, and we all paraded to the top of the room, which in these places is the post of honor...and we all drank tea together.
(In Brighthelmstone)
(F.B. Vol. 2, 131)
Dressing to Visit
FRIDAY, NOV. 1st.-- We spent at home with only our two young beaus (friends, not real beaux). I was quite glad of not going out; for though the places have done very well, and been very lively when we have assembled at them, I have been heartily tired of such perpetual preparation, dressing, and visiting.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 137)
All about the Last Ball of the Season
When our company was all gone, late as it was, it was settled we should go to the ball, the last for the season being this night. ...
The ball was half over, and all the company seated to tea. Mr. Wade (the master of ceremonies) came to receive us ll, as usual, and we had a table procured for us, and went to tea ourselves, for something to do. When this repast was over, the company returned to their recreation. The room was very thin, and almost half the ladies danced with one another, though there were men enough present, I believe, had they chosen such exertion; but the Meadowses at balls are in crowds. Some of the ladies were in riding habits, and they made admirable men. 'Tis tonnish to be so much undressed at the last ball
None of our usual friends...were here, and we, therefore, made no party; but Mrs. Thrale and I stood at the top of the room to look on the dancing, and as we were thus disengaged, she wa seized with a violent desire to make one among them, and I felt myself an equal inclination. She proposed, as so many women danced together, that we two should, and nothing should I have liked so well; but I begged her to give up the scheme, as that would have occasioned more fuss and observation than our dancing with all the men that were ever born.
(F.B., Vol 2, 140-41)
Fantastic Dress
Miss Monckton...is one of those who stand foremost in collecting all extraordinary or curious people to her London conversaziones, which, like those of Mrs. Vesey, mix the rank and the literature, and exclude all besides....
Miss Monckton is between thirty and forty, very short, very fat, but handsome; splendidly and fantastically dressed, rouged not unbecomingly, yet evidently and palpably desirous of gaining notice and admiration. She has an easy levity in her air, manner, voice, and discourse, that speak all within to be comfortable; and her rage of seeing any thing curious may be satisfied, if she pleases, by looking in a mirror.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 144)
Ornateness of an Invitation
I received, also, a most perfumed note, on French paper, gilt, bordered, glazed, inclosed in a finely decorated cover, and sealed with a miniken figure, from Miss Monckton, to invite me for the 8th, to meet Mrs. Thrale. I accepted the invitation with pleasure; her parties are the most brilliant in town, and she is acquainted with many people I wish to meet. In small parties, or intimate acquaintances, it is necessary to like the mistress of the house; but in large assemblies, is is but like going to a better regulated public place.
(F.B., Vol. 2, 150)
Proper Behavior: Miss Monckton's Assembly, plus Mrs. Galway's Round Cap, and Entrances SLow Due to Wearing a Train
Dec. 8th. -- Now for Miss Monckton's assembly.
I had begged Mrs. Thrale to call for me, that I might have her countenance and assistance upon my entrance. Miss Thrale came also. Every thing was in a new style. We got out of the coach into a hall full of servants, not one of which inquired our names, or took any notice of us. We proceeded, and went upstairs, and when we arrived at a door, stopped and looked behind us. No servant had followed or proceeded us. We deliberated what was to be done. To announce ourselves as rather awkward, neither could we be sure we were going into the right apartment. I proposed our going up higher, till we met with somebody; Miss Thrale thought we should go down and call some of the servants; but Mrs. Thrale, after a ridiculous consultation, determined to try her fortune by opening the door. This being done, we entered a room full of -- tea things, and one maid-servant!
"Well," cried Mrs. Thrale, laughing, "what is to be done now? I suppose we are come so early that nothing is ready."
The maid stared, but said, -- "There's company in the next room."
Then we considered again how to make ourselves known; and then Mrs. Thrale again resolved to take courage and enter. She therefore opened another door, and went into another apartment. I held back, but looked after, and observing that she made no courtsey, concluded she was gone into some wrong place. Miss Thrale followed, and after her went little I, wondering who was to receive, or what was to become of us.
Miss Monckton lives with her mother, the old Dowager Lady Galway, in a noble house in Charles Street, Berkeley Square. The room was large and magnificent. There was not much company, for we were very early. Lady Galway sat at the side of the fire, and received nobody. She seems very old, and was dressed with a little round white cap, and not a single hair, no cushion, roll, nor any thing else but the little round cap, which was flat upon her forehead. Such part of the company as already knew her made their compliments to her where she sat, and the rest were never taken up to her, but belonged wholly to Miss Monckton.
Miss Monckton's own manner of receiving her guests was scarce more laborious; for she kept her seat when they entered, and only turned round her head to nod it and say "How do you do?" after which they found what accommodation they could for themselves.
As soon, however, as she perceived Mrs. and Miss Thrale, which was not till they had been some minutes in the room, she arise to welcome them, contrary to her general custom, and merely because it was their first visit. Our long trains making my entrance some time after theirs, gave me the advantage of being immediately seen by her, and she advanced to me with quickness, and very politely thanked me for comiong, and said, --
"I fear you think me very rude for taking the liberty of sending to you."
"No, indeed, you did me much honour," quoth I.
She then broke further into her general rules, by making way for me to a good place, and seating me herself, and then taking a chair next to me, and beginning a little chat. I really felt myself much obliged to her for this seasonable attention, for I was presently separated from Mrs. Thrale, and entirely surrounded by strangers, all dressed superbly, and all looking saucily; and as nobody's names were spoken, I had no chance to discover any acquaintances. Mr. Metcalf, indeed, came and spoke to me the instant I came in, and I should have been very happy to have had him for my neighbor; but he was engaged in attending to Dr. Johnson, who was standing near the fire, and environed with listeners.
Some new people coming in, and placing themselves in a regular way, Miss Monckton exclaimed, -- "My whole care is to prevent a circle;" and hastily rising, she pulled about the chairs, and planted the people in groups, with as dexterous a disorder as you would desire to see.
The company in general were dressed with more brilliancy than at any rout I ever was at, as most of them were going to the Duchess of Cumberland's, and attired for that purpose.
F.B., Vol. 2, 153-155)
How Uncomfortably Heavy Sacques (Sacks) Are
Just behind me sat Mrs. Hampden, still very beautiful, but insufferably affected. Another lady, in full dress, and very pretty, came in soon after, and got herself a chair just before me; and then a conversation began between her and Mrs. Hampden, of which I will give you a specimen.
"How disagreeable these sacques are! I am so incommoded with these nasty ruffles! I am going to Cumberland House -- are you?"
"To be sure," said Mrs. Hampden,; "what else, do you think, would make me bear this weight of dress? I can't bear a sacque."
"Why, I thought you said you should always wear them?"
"Oh, yes, but I have changed my mind since then -- as many people do."
"Well, I think it vastly disagreeable indeed," said the other, "you can't think how I'm encumbered with these ruffles!"
"Oh, I am quite oppressed with them," said Mrs. Hampden, "I can hardly bear myself up."
"And I dined in this way!", cried the other; "only think -- dining in a sacque!"
"Oh," answered Mrs. Hampden, "it really puts me quite out of spirits."
Well, have you enough? -- and has my daddy raved enough?
(F.B., Vol 2, 156)
A Round-Dressed Head versus High-Dressed Heads
Old Lady Galway trotted from her corner, in the middle of the evening, and leaning her hands on the backs of two chairs, put her little round head through two fine high dressed ladies on purpose to peep at me, and then trotted back to her place! Ha, ha!
(F.B., Vol. 2, 162)
A Hello Kiss from a Very Dressed-Up Lady
DEC. 15th.. -- To-day, by an invitation of ten days standing, I waited upon Mrs. Walsingham. She is a woman high in fame for her talents, and a wit by birth...(s)he has the character of being only civil to people of birth, fame, or wealth, and extremely insolent to others. Of this, however, I could see nothing, since she at least took care to invite no company to her own house whom she was disposed to disdain. Her reception of me appeared rather singular. She was violently dressed, -- a large hoop, flowers in her small and full dressed cap, ribands and ornaments extremely shown, and a fan in her hand. She was very polite, said much of her particular pleasure in seeing me, and kept advancing to me so near, that involuntarily I retreated from her, not knowing her design, and kept, therefore, getting further and further back as she came forward, till I was stopped from any power of moving by the wainscot. I then necessarily stood still, and she saluted me.
(I don't think Fanny was surprised so much by the dress, as by the kiss)
(F.B., Vol. 2, 163)
Fanny Describes Queen Charlotte's Clothing Preferences: Great Coats or Redingotes
Citation: Burney, Fanny. (2013). pp. 424-5. The Diary and Letters of Madame d'Arblay (Frances Burney), 1890 (Vol. 1). Hong Kong: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1890)
There are few points I have observed with more pleasure in her than all that concerns the office which brings me to her in this private and confidential manner. All that breaks from her, in our tete-a-tetes upon the subject of dress, is both edifying and amiable. She equips herself for the drawing-room with all the attention in her power; she neglects nothing that she thinks becoming to her appearance upon those occasions, and is sensibly conscious that her high station makes her attire in public a matter of business. As such, she submits to it without murmuring; but a yet stronger consciousness of the real futility of such mere outward grandeur bursts from her, involuntarily, the moment the sacrifice is paid, and she can never refuse herself the satisfaction of expressing her contentment to put on a quiet undress. The great coats are so highly in her favour, from the quickness with which they enable her to finish her toilette, that she sings their praise with fresh warmth every time she is allowed to wear them, archly saying to me, with most expressive eyes, " If I could write " if I could but write 1 " how I would compose upon a great coat! I wish I were a poetess, that I might make a song upon it " I do think something very pretty might be said about it.'*
These hints she has given me continually; but the Muse was not so kind as ever to make me think of the matter again when out of her sight " till, at last, she one day, in putting on this favourite dress, half gravely, said, " I really take it a little ill you won't write something upon these great coats! '* I only laughed, yet, when I left her, I scribbled a few stanzas, copied them very fairly, and took them, as soon as they were finished, into her room; and there kept them safely in my pocket-book, for I knew not how to produce them, and she, by odd accident, forbore from that time to ask for them, though her repeated suggestion had, at last, conquered my literary indolence.!"
Plus, the poem referenced in the quotation above.
"Thrice honour'd Robe! couldst thou espy The form that deigns to show thy worth; Hear the mild voice, view the arch eye, That call thy panegyric forth;
"Wouldst thou not swell with vain delight? With proud expansion sail along? And deem thyself more grand and bright Than aught that lives in ancient song,
"Than Venus' cestus, Dian's crest, Minerva's helmet, fierce and bold, Or all of emblem gay that dress'd
Capricious goddesses of old? "Thee higher honours yet await:- Haste, then, thy triumphs quick prepare, Thy trophies spread in haughty state, Sweep o'ei the earth, and scoff the air.
"The cares, or joys, she soars above That to the toilette's duties cleave; Far other cares her bosom move, Far other joys those cares relieve.
"The garb of state she inly scorn'd, Glad from its trappings to be freed, She saw thee humble, unadorn'd, Quick of attire,--a child of speed.
"Still, then, thrice honour'd Robe! retain Thy modest guise, thy decent ease; Nor let thy favour prove thy bane By turning from its fostering breeze.
"She views thee with a mental eye, And from thee draws this moral end:-- Since hours are register'd on high, The friend of Time is Virtue's friend."
For this precious production Fanny received quite as much as it was worth,--the thanks of the queen, who added, "Indeed it is very pretty--only! I don't deserve it." -ED.
Quotations Having to Do With Knotting
What a Fund is here for Study! And what a variety of easy Delights! Or, if the Mind is bent upon Manual Exercise, the Knotting-Bag is ready at hand; and their skilful Fingers play their part. Notwithstanding the Ridicule, which is thrown upon this Part of the Character, it appears to me, rather to merit our Applause, than to provoke our Laughter....Rouzed by the Ardor of Emulation, they work for Glory, and assert the prize of Feminine Merit.
With equal skill their practiced Fingers apply the Needle, and rejoin the Lace: With equal Facility they convey the gliding shuttle through the opening Thread, and form the various Knots.
(Fugitive Pieces, on Various Subjects. By several Authors. The Pretty Gentleman, p. 199)
Go where I will, every woman I meet, from little Miss up to her great-Grandmother, is dressed out with her knotting-bag, and is so affectedly busy with her shuttle, and so important about doing nothing, that they fret me to a degree not very consistent with my health. Young raw arms, and old withered ones are all in motion together, with so many gestures and grimaces, and turns of the head and eyes, that it is one general convulsion through the company, as if they had got St. Vitus's dance. When a lady comes into the room, you would swear, by the great satchel on her arm, that she had brought her provision with her. The shuttle pops out between the courses, after every sip of tea, and every deal of the cards. I could forgive chits for any nonsense, but for stayed matrons to commence children again, and bring their play-things into company, is not to be borne. I remember, not very long ago, when women were not ashamed to cut out a shirt or a smock, or make caps, or knit stockings. But these occupations are now, it seems, only fit for the Canaille, and millinary things can be had from the shop, at not above four times the price they could be made for. What, in the name of goodness, do they mean by it?...I don't believe they know themselves; but it is the fashion, and to be the fashion it can't be too foolish....
...IN the next place, that it is a profitable specieis of industry, I can demonstrate from experiment. I made my wife, who is very expert at her shuttle, take a yard of thread, and sit down to knot it, chatting to me at the same time, so as to preserve a middle rate of velocity. It was finished in ten minutes, and produced a quarter of a yard of knotting, so that, in an hour, one yard an a half may easily be manufactured....
...Then, to examine the per contra, I made her weigh out, and measure a quarter of an ounce of Smith's five shilling thread, which han to 69 yads and a half...Now in order to knot this thread, it must be doubled...
...so that after ornamenting all the toilets, bed-quilts and curtains, and festooning those under-garments which are cruelly hidden from our sight...
...There is an inimitable scene of this kind in the Egarmens de Coeur, where the beautiful De Lursay, to compleat all her attractions, throws herself into the graceful attitude of knotting...The use of this little implement is, in short, more powerful and various than even that of the fan...
...But I must request my fair readers to observe, that the effects of this graceful amusement are lost by being to constantly exhibited....
...I will farther venture to affirm, that it is not every woman who can knot, that is qualified to wield the shuttle. An expression of sentiment can only arise from an informed mind...
The Modern Monitor; or, Flyn's Speculations. Monday, June 18, 1770. (pp. 140-146)
Viscountess: Am I not engaged to a reading party, and a tea-drinking----O! I have forgot my knotting bag; how giddy I am! I shall be tired to death----I cannot attend to the person who reads unless I am knotting.
Theatre of Education. Translated from the French of the Countess de Genlis Vol. 1. 1781 (p.423)
Fribble. This word specifies one of those ambiguous animals, who are neither male nor female...
...He even dendeavors to make himself necessary to them; combs their lap-dogs, fancies their ribbons, recommends the best scented powder, and loves to be consulted on the cut of their cap, their tea, and the placing of their china-baubles: helps them in their knotting, fringing, embroidering, or shellwork: understands pastry, preserving, pickling, and the like.
Excepts from The Dictionary of Love. In which is contained the explanation of the terms used in that language. In The Monthly Review. For December, 1753.
Quotations Having To Do with Floss Fringe (Souci d'hanneton/sourcil de hanneton)
SOUCI DE HANNETON, en terme de boutonnier, c'est une espece de meche en soie plate, et non torse, devidee sur une bobine; on la noue a une certaine distance, de neouds pres l'un de l;autre, puis de deux autres a la meme distance, ainsi tout le long, jusqua'a ce qu'on en ait assez; ensuite on coupe la soie au milieu de la distance des noeuds; cette distance partagee forme de petits bouquets brillans, a proportions de beaute de la soie; le souci entre dans les grains d'epinars, et autres ajustemens d'hommes et de femmes.
Page 487, Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, By Denis Diderot, Bernard. Google Books.
Rough English translation:
Floss fringe, a term of the button maker, is a type of "wisp" [wick?] of flat silk [reeled, untwisted silk filament], and not twisted, rolled on a bobbin; one knots it at a certain distance, the knots close one to the other, then the two others at the same distance, and so the entire length, until one has made enough; after which one cuts the silk in the middle of the distance between the knots; this shared distance forms little brilliant bouquets, in proportion to the beauty of the silk; the ?? in between the ??, and other ?? of men and women.
HANNETON, subst. f., (l'h s'aspire) Boutonniers-Frangiers: soucis de hanneton, espece de frange a houpette, qui imite les corne houppees de l'insecte de ce nom. Ce sont les frangiers qui fabriquent les soucis de hanneton.
From Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et ..., Volume 17. p. 29. Google books.
Sewing and Dress Materials and Notions
- Access Commodities (real silk gimp, metal threads, etc.); wholesale site, but with retailers list
- Antique Lace Place
- Aurora Silk (very fine silk sewing thread, 8,300 yard skein)
- Bumbershoot Designs and Supplies
- Burnley and Trowbridge
- Denver Fabrics
- Dharma Trading (plain silk, linen, cotton)
- Fabrics-Store.com (linen; useful for most purposes but not superfine garments)
- Hedgehog Handworks (costuming supplies)
- In Timely Fashion
- Judith M Hats and Millinary Supplies, including petersham!
- Legacy in Lace
- Maggie May's Historic Clothing (and fabric): all fabric is reproduction and all $9 a yard
- N.J. Sekela: especially good for bullion fringe!
- Originals by Kay (fabric, corsets, etc.) (some fabrics will be useful for 18th century and Regency)
- Payless Fabric: polished cotton!
- Pieces of History Antique Linens and Lace
- Pipers Silks: silk gimp (so-called: it's twisted, not wrapped)
- Polly Singer Couture Hats and Veils
- Reproduction Fabrics
- The Dressmaker's Shop (high-quality fabric, clothing, classes)
- Thread Gatherer (hand-dyed chenille, although the gold is too varying)
- Thistle Threads: Historically Inspired Needleart: (real gold spangles at reasonable price)
- Touch of Europe (lace, cutters)
- The Silly Sisters (18th century)
- Treenway Silks (fine silk thread, floss, chenille)
History of silk culture, making of silk and silk varieties - Wm. Booth, Draper
- Wooded Hamlet Designs: corset/stays lacing tape, linen tape
- YLI threads: YLI Heirloom Cotton thread 100/2 200 yards, white: for "extremely fine, sheer fabrics" (per Hallie Larkin)
Textiles and Block Printing
- Block Printing [in India, modern]. From Sasha World. Look under Learn section to find article.
- Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours; and the best means of producing them, by dyeing, calico printing, &c. Bancroft, Edward. 1814. On archive.org.
- Hand-blockprinted Textiles: Phyllis Barron and Dorothy Larcher. Archive of texts and textiles. Crafts Study Centre, VADS.
- How to Block Print with a Wood Block Stamp.
- 18th Century Printed Cotton Fabrics. From Demode
- Food History Jottings: Comments, recipes, and debunkings from a slightly opinionated but still interesting British chef
- Historic Foodie, The: Victoria Rumble's very fine blog
- History is Served: Stories and recipes from Colonial Williamsburg
- 18th Century Tea Time: The tea, hot chocolate & coffee things of the English and French Aristocracies. From Lucinda Brant. On Pinterest.
- 18th Century Culinary and Table: Food, glorious food, recipes, kitchen utensils, dinnerware, serving ware, crockery and cutlery (flatware) and silverware of 1700s England and France. From Lucinda Brant. On Pinterest.
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