The Effect for Which This Hat Aims

Above: ruched Edwardian wide-brimmed hat. Image from Vintage Textile
The Hat Base, Pre-Steaming
For the hat base I am using the High Crown Straw Hat (SH-955) sold by Jas. Townsend and Co. It has a 6-inch brim. The hat is quite well made, as advertised, although one should be aware that it's still a country hat...the straws are coarse-ish. This not your couture hat with straws as thin as buttonhole thread.
Steaming the Hat

At left: steaming hat brim to soften straw fibers so they will bend. The steam is escaping from a small hole in a pasta pot. Click picture to see larger shows amount of steam coming out.
Here's what I did:
Not having a teapot to create steam with, I found a large pasta pot with a tight lid but a closable hole cut in it to let excess steam escape.
- Filled it 1/3 full with water, and heat it until it was at a fast boil, and steam was merrily purring out of the hole.
- Held one small section of the hat brim up very close to the escaping steam to soften the straw.
- About 10-15 seconds later, pulled the hat away and tested the straw's ability to be shaped by gently forming an inward curve. What do you know? The straw obeyed.
- Bit by bit, held more sections of the hat brim to the steam and shaped them.
- Every so often, ran my hand around sections already bent, and bent them again just to make sure the bend would stay.
- Note: it's good to wear an oven mitt if you keep your hands near the steam long. You could get an awful burn quickly if you're not careful.
- As the straw cooled, the shape remained.
- For the upward tilt on one side, I held the hat brim over the steam again and bent the straw up instead of down. Had to hold the tilt in place for several minutes while the straw cooled.
- Re steamed and inward-bent the sections of the brim closest to the upward tilted part so they'd not start to tilt up too.
- Let the hat cool completely, upside down, so as not to stress the new curves on the brim. Will not start trimming it for a day or two.
The whole process took 10 minutes.
Here's the result! Next step: trimming. That's for another post.