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Friday, January 11, 2013

Tea on a Winter's Day

Isn't tea just what's needed when the rain, in this case, is clacking on the outside of the windows, or when the snow is blowing in drifts?

The kitty is a teapot. She's a vintage Chinese kitty set in a pose of comfort and welcome, and is a sign of warmth and happiness.

Her head is the lid. It's a little odd taking it off: even though she's an inanimate object I feel odd doing that. Her paw's the spout, and it doesn't work too well. No matter. She and the tea make me happy anyhow.


Next time I report on a new activity, learned so I'll have something calming and repetitive to do in the hospital: knotting.


  1. Sometimes a cup of tea just hits the spot. :)

  2. Dear vintagevisions27,

    You are so right! I am due to make a whole pot in about an hour or so.

    By the way, congratulations :} -- I read your post earlier this morning. Need to go and comment.

    Very best,


  3. Thank you Natalie! Just read your comment. :) Cori and I are thinking of using vintage tea cups as wedding favors. At least that's one idea being tossed about!
