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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Garsault Online...Le Tailleur, et Plus, La Lingere

Oh for heaven's sake: Garsault is online! Yes, Art du Tailleur, Contenant Le Tailleur D'Habits d'Hommes; Les Culottes de Peau; Le Tailleur du Corps de Femmes & Enfants: La Couturiere; & la Marchande de Modes. From 1769. That means men's clothes, naturally, but also stays and gowns and caps.

Wait, there's more!

L'Art de la Lingere. From 1771. Caps! Shifts! And etc.

Here's plate 5 from Art du Tailleur, with all useful stitches, drawn from profile, top, and underneath.

With all of the text, and the the plates, and their captions!  Here are the captions to the part of plate 5 having to do with stitches. Ah... With a little effort, you can understand them all.

The rest of the text and the patterns await you.

Go ye now to Bunka Gakuen Library and find it under the 18th century listing of their holdings. Bless that library!*

Maybe everyone else has long known the volume was there; somehow I managed to miss it...and now that I look, so many other very good books! I hadn't visited in awhile.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I might finally learn languages by translating all this costume info!

  2. Dear lahbluebonnet,

    Sure thing! Was excited particularly about the shifts and their details.

    Very best,


  3. Ooh, I didn't realize Bunka Gakuen had them as well as Gallica!

  4. Eek, I keep forgetting about Gallica. Need to step in there and see what's what :}

    My not-so-secret-wish? To find a passementerie guide more detailed on the making part than is Diderot.

    Very best,

