Resources and Blogs

Monday, July 18, 2011

Volunteering for the Costume Society of America...and a Hiatus

Happy News! Our little Jane Austen Sewing Society will be volunteering for the Summer Symposium of the Costume Society of America, Southeastern Region. At their kickoff reception at the Ashland Estate, we will demonstrate fine handsewing along with fan games, while we wear Full Dress suitable for outdoors, a la Ranelagh. We're all really looking forward to the opportunity to volunteer, and if I get the opportunity, I will post about it.

Meanwhile, the serious news. This blog is going on semi to full hiatus for another period. The boys start nursery school in a month or so, and our house renovation needs more of my attention. Therefore, the hobby must step aside once again.

I've enjoyed this last six months or so of fun with getting ready for the Jane Austen festival, and down the road hope to return with more translations from Journal des Luxus und der Moden, more costume research, and more experiments in period sewing.

Meanwhile, happy summertime to everyone, and I will see you again, on and off, later this year.


  1. Dear Natalie,

    reading your news, I already miss you...and I'm looking forward very much to seeing you return! Enjoy your time off the blog!!!
    It's wonderful to hear that you'll participate in a museum event - this will be sooooo much fun! I love it when you can share your knowledge with interested people and demonstrate how lovely and valuable handcrafting is! Hope you very much enjoy this!
    And now I'm on to read your latest posts about your wonderful 1795 Full Dress!!!

    The very best - viel Spaß und bis bald,


  2. Dear Sabine,
    I already miss your comments too :} It's going to be hard being offline. At least I can read your blog and keep up with your projects.
    I must say I am nervous about the coming event; this is a first for me; you by contrast have lots of experience. Still, the urge to share should carry me through. I hope.

    Bis bald auch und freulicher Sommer,


  3. I will miss your posts too, but I love renovating as much as I do costuming so I am hoping you do too! :) Do pop into read, point and laugh at our exploits when you get a chance and all the best for this next phase in your family's life. And no naughty behaviour in Ranelagh!

  4. Dear Mrs. C. and an Historical Lady,

    Oh, I will always be popping in: reading your blogs is always fun.

    We're in the boring part of renovations, sadly: it's all about spackling plaster and paintbrushes and tile repair. Ugh.

    Hugs, and I hope to be back before the snow flies,


  5. Dear Natalie,

    I do hope you have tons of fun this upcoming weekend at the event!

    Kind regards,

  6. Dear Sabine,

    Thank you so much for remembering! I spoke with the director of the Ashland Estate yesterday to wrap up final details, and made last plans for our activities. This evening I make a quiche and set a table here at home so that we can return and celebrate with a cold collation and a toast after the event is finished. I'll be debuting a new version of the Aufsass, too, made like one from Luxus und der Moden, spring 1795. We will see how that works.

    Very best indeed to you, und ich wuenche Sie so tollem Wetter wie hier, wo es so perfect ist, dass ich tanzen koentte :}

